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Atikah Febriyanti
Amalia Juniarly


Abstrak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara regulasi emosi dengan pemaafan pada dewasa awal korban perselingkuhan di kota Palembang. Hipotesis penelitian yaitu ada hubungan antara regulasi emosi dengan pemaafan pada dewasa awal korban perselingkuhan di kota Palembang. Populasi penelitian adalah dewasa awal di kota Palembang korban perselingkuhan dalam relasi romantis, dengan jumlah tidak diketahui. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 orang dan untuk uji coba sebanyak 50 orang, diambil melalui teknik purposive sampling. Alat ukur penelitian mengunakan skala pemaafan mengacu pada dimensi-dimensi pemaafan dari Baumeister, Exline, dan Sommer (1998); skala regulasi emosi mengacu pada aspek-aspek regulasi emosi dari Gross dan Thompson (2007). Analisis data penelitian menggunakan korelasi Pearson’s Product Moment. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa regulasi emosi memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan pemaafan, nilai p=0,012 (p<0,05) dan r= 0.250. Dengan demikian, hipotesis yang diajukan diterima.

Kata kunci: Regulasi Emosi, Pemaafan.

Abstract. The research objective was to determine the relationship between emotion regulation with forgiveness in early adults, the victim of infidelity at Palembang city. The hypothesis of this research has a relationship between emotion regulation with forgiveness in early adults, the victim of infidelity in Palembang city. The research population were early adults at Palembang city, the victim of infidelity in romantic relationship, with unknown population. The research sample were 100 people and for try out were 50 people, taken by purposive sampling technique. The research measurement instruments used forgiveness scale that referring to dimensions of forgiveness from Baumeister, Exline, and Sommer (1998); emotion regulation scale that referring to aspects of emotion regulation from Gross and Thompson (2007). The data analysis used Pearson’s Product Moment correlation. The result of correlation analysis showed that emotion regulation has a significant relationship with forgiveness, p-value=0,012 (p<0,05) and r=0.250. Therefore, the proposed hypothesis is accepted.

Keywords: Emotion Regulation, Forgiveness.

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